Sunday, December 26, 2010


So another christmas come and gone and I must say it was a good one.  I got a tablet so no more drawing on paper and then scanning the picture for me!

And so next on the list is new years,  last new years eve I spent at my friends house and it was madness.  At least fiftysomething people all crammed into the home.  But it was also insanely fun.  This year as far as I know I'm gonna be having an all night Dungeons and dragons thing with my friends,  YES I AM IN FACT A NERD.  Anywho happy holidays everyone!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

School sucks

So I'm a person who enjoys winter.  I've never gotten cold easy and I love pretty much every snow activity out there.  But I gotta be honest when I say that this winter has sucked.  I've been stuck inside for days being busy with stupid schoolwork.  All of it is stuff I already know but the teacher INSISTS I learn it over and over and over! 
I know its for the better of my education but still.  There is a point where it gets ridicules