Monday, July 11, 2011


So with the upcoming release of Elder Scrolls Skyrim I have been obsessively playing Elder Scrolls Oblivion, like nonstop all the time no sleep and eating is for the weak and intelligent.  I had almost forgotten what an amazing game it is.  Above is a comic I drew earlier when I noticed that when you join the arena in the imperial city no matter how famous or brilliantly almighty you are Owen treats you like a first level loser. 

Friday, April 8, 2011


Ahhh the snow is melting here in Calgary and we're finally getting some decent weather!  Although I'll miss the snow it'll be nice to be able to go outside and frolic through the tall feilds of dead grass.  So I quit the website (thank god)  and now I actually have free time!!  So I'll be updating way more often, keeping everyone up to speed on my life and stuff...


  I have this odd obsession with drawing HUGE cheeks... I think it looks funny

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why there's only one smurf girl

Me and my friend Winry were arguing about why there is only one girl smurf.  In the end I ended up coming up with some really messed up reason and weirded her out, so I drew this cause I was bored:

I'm weird!!!

Once I was done drawing that I drew a picture of my friend Josh

So I guess this blog is becoming more of a all the effed up things I draw huh?   Well I can live with that, and I hope you can too... not that you have anything to say in the matter I'm afraid

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I can't sleep!

So I am AWFUL at getting to sleep, seriously its a skill I never acquired, it takes me hours and hours of lying in bed before I actually nod off.  Its quite annoying actually... so I've gotten into this bad habit of staying up really really late and falling asleep once its nearly impossible to stay awake any longer.  Ok ok some of you might be saying that I've just whacked up my sleep schedule and its a problem I'm making for myself by staying up.   But thats untrue since no matter how early I get up, or how "normal" my sleep schedule is, I still can't get to bed.  ANYWAYS here's something I just drew 5 minutes ago at midnight.  Its of the mighty Laser-beam Walrus; hero of the planet earth.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


So I got dead space 2 yesterday and I've been playing it non stop!  I loved the first one and the second one is just fantastic!  I mean god Isaac Clarke is such a bad ass!!!  Makes me wonder where he learned all his amazing skills as an engineer... 

But Dead space 2 really is an amazing game and I recommend it to anyone with the stomach for it!

Monday, January 17, 2011


So, remember the website me and my friends were building a while back?  Well all of our comics are now open to the public!  They're all up on our blog which is also on blogger, here's the link:

Let me know what you think =]

Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh dear, I suck.

Well... is appears I'm bad at updating this blog...  oops...  I have been quite lazy lately.  Honestly I'd rather spend 20 minutes sprawled out on the floor then do anything constructive.  So here's a picture of me being lazy and laying on the floor... also a evil piece of toast with a purple umbrella and a snow cone... and a squirrel with a jet pack.  ENJOY!