Thursday, January 27, 2011


So I got dead space 2 yesterday and I've been playing it non stop!  I loved the first one and the second one is just fantastic!  I mean god Isaac Clarke is such a bad ass!!!  Makes me wonder where he learned all his amazing skills as an engineer... 

But Dead space 2 really is an amazing game and I recommend it to anyone with the stomach for it!

Monday, January 17, 2011


So, remember the website me and my friends were building a while back?  Well all of our comics are now open to the public!  They're all up on our blog which is also on blogger, here's the link:

Let me know what you think =]

Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh dear, I suck.

Well... is appears I'm bad at updating this blog...  oops...  I have been quite lazy lately.  Honestly I'd rather spend 20 minutes sprawled out on the floor then do anything constructive.  So here's a picture of me being lazy and laying on the floor... also a evil piece of toast with a purple umbrella and a snow cone... and a squirrel with a jet pack.  ENJOY!