Thursday, November 25, 2010

Worn out

I have been so busy this week its not even funny, between national writers month, studying for a music theory test I have tomorrow and working on the website I'm surprised I have enough time to breath.  My scanners still broken so alas I had no poorly drawn pictures to littler this post with.  Last night I got to smash an abandon house to little bits with a led pipe!  Actually it wasn't abandoned a friend owned it.  But they made us think it was abandoned and even got a person to come and pretend to call the cops on us.  It was pretty awesome actually.  Anywho thats been my week unless you wanna hear about the sad day I spent sitting alone in my dark basement with a laptop writing and drinking five alive.  Yeah, I really needed this long weekend.       

Monday, November 22, 2010

A wasted weekend is a good weekend indeed.

So I spent all weekend mindlessly watching all the leprechaun movies in my basement with a few friends.  For all of you who don't know the leprechaun series is 6 movies long.  They plot of all the movies are pretty much the same, a bunch of un-suspecting people take the leprechauns gold and he slaughters them in attempt to be reunited with his gold.  As if that wasn't horrible enough the leprechaun treats you to many stupid rhymes throughout the movies.  I swear to god he must have rhymed killing with schilling about a million times.  There are a few amusing parts such as when the leprechaun builds a go-kart of death and flips a car with it.  Or when they poorly time lapsed a scene that shows the leprechaun peddling a tricycle like sonic the hedgehog.  But by far the best scene is in the fourth one which takes place in the future in SPACE.  Yes you read that right, they took a bad horror film and made it worse by making it sci-fi.  I find myself wondering if the director was high at the time the pitch was made.  "Ok boss how's this sound... the leprechaun... on a spaceship, in the future." "EXCELLENT WE CAN HAVE IT DONE BY TUESDAY!"  Anyways the scene I'm talking about is where a guy is about to get lucky in the engine room of the ship when he begins to get a painful feeling in his pants.  He falls over and the pant-tent gets larger and larger and larger until the leprechaun leaps out of his pants and flies across the room.  Now... we're not exactly sure how the whole hard on became an evil leprechaun thing works and we're not sure we wanna know, but the guy did not survive the process; what a way to go eh?  The movie also contains a dialog part where a ship member inquires about a marine commanders metal plate on his head.  The answer he gets is this:  "Back in the war he lost half his skull, and then carried a wounded marine fifteen miles."  I think thats preposterous!  Would a man lacking half his head be able to stand up let alone carry someone for fifteen miles?!  If anyone knows the science behind this please enlighten me.  The leprechaun even gets a green light saber, yeah, really.  All in all the series is just... bad.  Like really bad.  But it made for an interesting weekend.

P.S  Sorry I've not done any drawings for this post, my scanner isn't working at the moment.                 

Friday, November 19, 2010

You know what makes me mad?

In the last few days since the new call of duty came out all of my conversations have been dominated by the subject.  It's honestly not that amazing that you not only have to play it all day but when your not playing it need to be talking about playing it.  I know a kid who stayed up for two days straight playing it; he even faked illness to get out of school.  What kind of parent would believe that their kid was honestly sick after he just stayed up all night playing a video game?  With the release of black opps we are one step closer to all being plugged into the matrix, if we're not already..  Anyways I just felt like ranting about how ridicules it is.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It is a dark day

Earlier today my friend while moving a box containing some of my old things dropped my nintendo 64 and permanently retired it.

Yes it is indeed a sad day...  I feel as though a childhood friend of mine was just murdered.  You know to this day, and I can't figure out why;  but no gaming system I have ever owned gave me as much joy as the nintendo 64.  It could be childhood nostalgia talking but those many hours spent trying to wrap my seven year old brain around a puzzle in Zelda Oceania of time were magical.  I suppose I'll have to start hunting pawn shops and e-bay to see if I can find a replacement at a price that involves me keeping my organs.  But I will never forget you N64,  rest in peace.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And so it beguins...

So my friend suggested making a blog, and so here I am... making a blog.  Woo-hoo!

  Anyways I guess I'm supposed to tell you what I'm up too?  Well during summer a bunch of my friends and I all decided to start building a website.  It was going to be an entertainment site with a webcomic, skits, and other stuff.  It was all fine and dandy while we were talking about it but as soon as it gets down to real work I'm really the only one doing anything.  I suppose I should have expected this since my friends don't have the best track record of pulling together to accomplish things.  But to their defense high school isn't a cakewalk ether.  So here I am drawing comics and programming while they do "Homework" 

And with Christmas coming up I've been trying to get gifts for everyone of my friends before the rush starts.  I found this really awesome sword I bought off amazon while I supposed to be looking for a book.  I've been chopping things in half all week and so far to my joy nobody has confiscated it yet.  If you've never owned a sword before I recommend it without hesitation.  It has the same effect as growing tall and getting ripped.  Simply put it makes negotiations more simple.

Hopefully I'll get all my christmas shopping done before the malls of Calgary become dawn of the dead reenactments.