Monday, November 22, 2010

A wasted weekend is a good weekend indeed.

So I spent all weekend mindlessly watching all the leprechaun movies in my basement with a few friends.  For all of you who don't know the leprechaun series is 6 movies long.  They plot of all the movies are pretty much the same, a bunch of un-suspecting people take the leprechauns gold and he slaughters them in attempt to be reunited with his gold.  As if that wasn't horrible enough the leprechaun treats you to many stupid rhymes throughout the movies.  I swear to god he must have rhymed killing with schilling about a million times.  There are a few amusing parts such as when the leprechaun builds a go-kart of death and flips a car with it.  Or when they poorly time lapsed a scene that shows the leprechaun peddling a tricycle like sonic the hedgehog.  But by far the best scene is in the fourth one which takes place in the future in SPACE.  Yes you read that right, they took a bad horror film and made it worse by making it sci-fi.  I find myself wondering if the director was high at the time the pitch was made.  "Ok boss how's this sound... the leprechaun... on a spaceship, in the future." "EXCELLENT WE CAN HAVE IT DONE BY TUESDAY!"  Anyways the scene I'm talking about is where a guy is about to get lucky in the engine room of the ship when he begins to get a painful feeling in his pants.  He falls over and the pant-tent gets larger and larger and larger until the leprechaun leaps out of his pants and flies across the room.  Now... we're not exactly sure how the whole hard on became an evil leprechaun thing works and we're not sure we wanna know, but the guy did not survive the process; what a way to go eh?  The movie also contains a dialog part where a ship member inquires about a marine commanders metal plate on his head.  The answer he gets is this:  "Back in the war he lost half his skull, and then carried a wounded marine fifteen miles."  I think thats preposterous!  Would a man lacking half his head be able to stand up let alone carry someone for fifteen miles?!  If anyone knows the science behind this please enlighten me.  The leprechaun even gets a green light saber, yeah, really.  All in all the series is just... bad.  Like really bad.  But it made for an interesting weekend.

P.S  Sorry I've not done any drawings for this post, my scanner isn't working at the moment.                 

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