Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And so it beguins...

So my friend suggested making a blog, and so here I am... making a blog.  Woo-hoo!

  Anyways I guess I'm supposed to tell you what I'm up too?  Well during summer a bunch of my friends and I all decided to start building a website.  It was going to be an entertainment site with a webcomic, skits, and other stuff.  It was all fine and dandy while we were talking about it but as soon as it gets down to real work I'm really the only one doing anything.  I suppose I should have expected this since my friends don't have the best track record of pulling together to accomplish things.  But to their defense high school isn't a cakewalk ether.  So here I am drawing comics and programming while they do "Homework" 

And with Christmas coming up I've been trying to get gifts for everyone of my friends before the rush starts.  I found this really awesome sword I bought off amazon while I supposed to be looking for a book.  I've been chopping things in half all week and so far to my joy nobody has confiscated it yet.  If you've never owned a sword before I recommend it without hesitation.  It has the same effect as growing tall and getting ripped.  Simply put it makes negotiations more simple.

Hopefully I'll get all my christmas shopping done before the malls of Calgary become dawn of the dead reenactments.

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